ホワイトペーパー学習シリーズ:Ripple編 Lesson7


RippleNet  Rulebook And Governance
RippleNet ルールブックとガバナンス

The value of RippleNet derives from its combination of key elements:
standardized and powerful technology; a global network of banks and payment providers; a consistent set of rules and standards and a governance structure comprised of an advisory board of industry leaders(※1).

金融機関に対するグローバルネットワーク、 一貫した一連のルールと基準、様々な業界リーダーにより構成された委員会に推進されるガバナンス体制が挙げられる。


To join RippleNet, both members and users sign an agreement with Ripple and follow the rules and standards as outlined in the Rulebook, which eliminates the need for inefficient bilateral agreements.




The objective of the Rulebook is to create a legal framework that ensures optimal working relationships with all network participants and a seamless experience for the end user(※2).



The Rulebook provides detailed information regarding the rights and obligations of network participants(※3), business and operational rules and the process for changes to the Rulebook.



It also offers in-depth technical standards regarding the end-to-end transaction flow and defines the service-level agreement between transacting parties.



In essence, the Rulebook creates consistency across RippleNet by providing operational certainty and legal clarity(※4) for every transaction.



RippleNet Advisory Board And Governance
RippleNet 諮問委員会とガバナンス

Ripple actively consults its advisory board which includes industry leaders from Transaction Banking, Digital Services and Cash Management(※5).



Regarding the Rulebook, the advisory board provides governance to consistently ensure that the rules and standards are in close alignment with the exact needs of today’s banks and their customers.



注目キーワード (※ )

  1. Standardized and powerful technology; a global network of banks and payment providers; a consistent set of rules and standards and a governance structure comprised of an advisory board of industry leaders:標準化された強力なテクノロジー、金融機関に対するグローバルネットワーク、一貫したルールと基準、様々な業界リーダーにより構成された委員会に推進されるガバナンス体制
  2. Seamless experience for the end user:シームレスなエンドユーザーへのエクスペリエンス(=利便性の高い経験)
  3. The rights and obligations of network participants:ネットワーク参加者の権利と義務
  4. Operational certainty and legal clarity:運用上の確実性と法的な明確性
  5. Industry leaders from Transaction Banking, Digital Services and Cash Management:商業銀行、デジタルサービス事業者、資金管理事業者の産業リーダー

